Pilates for Life Terms and Conditions
IF YOU ACCESS THE SITE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THESE TERMS, OUR PRIVACY POLICY AND/OR ANY OF THEIR PARTS. If you do not agree, please discontinue using our Site immediately. I am more than happy to answer any questions you have about my policies and procedures. Please contact me with any queries.
07957342562 pilatesforlifewithkate@gmail.com
Privacy/ Disclaimer/ Declaration of Health
All clients must agree to disclaimer, privacy and terms before first class.
All clients under 18 must have parental permission and have agreed to disclaimer, privacy and terms before first class
All new clients must submit a completed Client intake form and a PAR Q Form before first class. Admittance will not be permitted without
All new clients under 18 clients must have had a consultation with Kate Hawkins before first class.
By participating in the exercises, online or in person you are performing them at your own risk.
It is your sole responsibility to check with your doctor or medical practitioner about you or your child’s suitability for my sessions and to obtain his/her written consent where necessary.
Payment and Bookings
Payment for all classes and courses is to be made in advance via online payment: either Credit/Debit card.
Should you choose to book and pay by telephone, the price of the class you select will be the same as that displayed online.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are registered for each individual class.
Once purchased, Classes are non refundable unless cancelled 12 hours before time and date of class
You may change the date and time of your booking at any time without charge, so long as you do so 12 hours or more before the date and time of the class you have booked.
Privacy Policy
Please view the privacy policy which can be found on my website. All information received is kept securely in compliance with all current HSE and GDPR regulations and will not be passed on to 3rd parties.